Eric Mboya has shared a shocking incident on his Facebook page, exposing the brutal reality of how Super Metro operates. The case of Gilbert Thuo Kimani, a middle-aged man from Kandara, Murang’a, is a clear example of the inhumane treatment passengers are subjected to by rogue matatu crews.
Gilbert, who had only Ksh50 in his pocket after a long day of hustling, met a tragic death inside a Super Metro bus, number plate KDL 125N. What started as a simple fare disagreement turned into a horrific case of violence and death, painting a grim picture of the state of public transport in Nairobi.
According to reports, Gilbert boarded the bus believing he would be allowed to pay Ksh50, as he had done before. However, the tout insisted that the fare was Ksh80 and became aggressive when Gilbert could not meet the demand.

Instead of handling the matter with understanding, the tout resorted to insults, asking Gilbert why he boarded the bus if he did not have the full fare.
Witnesses say that as the bus sped past Kahawa Wendani, the enraged tout suddenly opened the door and threw Gilbert out. The impact was fatal.
The postmortem has confirmed that he suffered multiple fractures broken ribs, hands, and legs all leading to his tragic death on the spot.Eric Mboya’s exposure of this incident raises serious concerns about the safety of passengers using Super Metro.
This is not just an unfortunate accident but a case of outright murder. A simple disagreement over Ksh30 should never cost a life. The fact that a tout had the audacity to throw a passenger out of a moving vehicle shows the impunity these matatu crews operate with.
The question remains, how many other cases like this have happened but gone unreported? How many passengers have suffered at the hands of reckless and arrogant conductors who believe they are above the law?
Super Metro has long marketed itself as a professional and reliable transport company, but this incident exposes a dark reality behind the scenes. If their touts can kill a passenger in cold blood over fare, then what kind of discipline and ethics does this company uphold?

Eric Mboya has done the public a service by bringing this case to light, but justice must follow. The authorities must move swiftly to ensure that the tout, the driver, and the entire management of Super Metro take full responsibility. There is no excuse for this kind of lawlessness.
The matatu industry has always been notorious for impunity, but this case should serve as a wake-up call. There must be accountability, and it must start with Super Metro. If they do not take action against their own rogue employees, then they are complicit in murder.
The police must arrest the tout and driver immediately, and NTSA should step in to review Super Metro’s operations. Kenyans cannot continue to live in fear of being attacked, humiliated, or even killed by the very people supposed to provide transport services. Gilbert Thuo Kimani’s life was cut short in the most painful and unjust manner. His family is now left