Felix Mambo Nduli, the former Wiper Party Youth Affairs Deputy Secretary General, has been charged with publishing false information about Machakos Governor Wavinya Ndeti.
Mambo appeared before Mavoko Law Courts Chief Magistrate Barbara Ojoo and was charged with publishing false information in violation of Section 23 of the Computer Misuse and Cybercrimes Act NO 5 of 2018.
Governor Ndeti is the complainant in this case, and her son Charles Oduwole is a witness.
The court heard that Mambo sensationally published false information on his social media.
He claimed that the Governor and her son were enjoying themselves in the United Kingdom while he (Mambo) and others were suffering in Kenya.
The charge sheet excerpt read; “the accused together on diverse dates at unknown places within the Republic of Kenya with intent to cause panic, chaos or violence among citizens of the Republic of Kenya jointly with others not before court published in social media to wit “Only Wavinya and her son can substantiate bro. Mimi na wewe tuko Kathangaita wao wanakula Raha UK” a fact he knew to be false.” During the hearing, Mambo pleaded not guilty to the charges filed against him.
“The court has stated the substance of the charge and every element thereof to the accused person in the language that he understands, who is asked whether he admits or denies the truth of the charge, he said it wasn’t true,” Chief Magistrate Ojoo stated.
He was released on Ksh.200,000 cash bail or a Ksh.300,000 bond with a similar surety.On Thursday, October 31, 2024, Mambo was arrested by Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI) officers stationed at the Athi River police station after allegedly failing to respond to a police summons.
He was eventually released on Ksh.10,000 police bail. The case will be mentioned on November 18, 2024.