In a heartbreaking incident that has left the local community in shock, the body of a young Catholic trainee nun, Yvonne Jirangwa, was discovered in a sewer pit at the Rongo parish sister convent on October 27.
Jirangwa, who had been reported missing from Rongo Catholic Church on Thursday, October 24, was only 23 years old.
Her body was found by another nun who was on her way to the farm, marking a tragic end to the search efforts led by her fellow sisters and local authorities.
According to Father Gabriel Atieno, the vicar general of the Homa Bay diocese, Jirangwa’s absence was initially noticed when she failed to appear for her routine duties on October 24.
After failing to locate her, the sisters filed a missing persons report with the Rongo police station, initiating a search that, unfortunately, ended in sorrow.
“Efforts to locate her throughout the day were unsuccessful,” Atieno recounted, emphasizing the unexpectedness of the situation and the devastating impact on the community and church alike.
Father Atieno also shared that Jirangwa had been a dedicated member of the Rongo parish for the past three years.
During her time there, she was deeply involved in community service activities, building connections with both parishioners and local residents.
Her dedication to helping others, coupled with her warm personality, had endeared her to many.
The circumstances surrounding her death have raised numerous questions, with Atieno stating that they remain uncertain about what may have transpired before her tragic demise.
He assured the public that the church is fully committed to cooperating with law enforcement to uncover the truth behind the incident.
“Her death is a blow to both the church and her family,” Atieno said solemnly, reflecting the sense of loss felt by all who knew her.
Rongo sub-county police commander, Salim Fundi, provided further details, confirming that local law enforcement received the missing persons report shortly after Jirangwa was reported missing.
The police joined in the search efforts but were ultimately unsuccessful until the body was discovered in the sewer pit days later.
Commander Fundi emphasized the gravity of the situation and the commitment of the police to investigate every detail that may shed light on her death.
“The deceased’s body has been moved to Rosewood Hospital mortuary, where it awaits a comprehensive autopsy to help determine the cause of death,” Fundi explained.
The incident has left many unanswered questions.
Church leaders, community members, and local authorities are working to piece together Jirangwa’s final hours.
The parish and the Homa Bay diocese have come together in grief, with prayers being offered for her family and those who mourn her passing.
The Rongo community remembers Jirangwa not only for her spiritual devotion but for her contributions to local outreach programs and community services.
Her compassionate spirit was evident in her interactions with everyone she encountered, from young children to elderly parishioners.
Her untimely death has left a void that will be felt deeply by all who had the pleasure of knowing her.
The parish and the diocese have called for calm, urging community members to respect the privacy of Jirangwa’s grieving family while they await answers.
For now, the local Catholic community remembers her fondly and prays that justice will be served in this tragic case.